Me: Eeeeeeeee Zara sedapnyeeee pudding nii. Sedapnyeeee!! Nanges nangessss (exaggerate lebih)
Zara: Nanges ke? (wif weird look into my eyes to see if i cry.hahaha)
Me: Nangeslahhh. Sedap ni. Nanges.
Zara: Kena nanges ke?
Me: Ok wateva.
I totally dont understand why u dont wanna cry over a delicious pudding. I would cry in a second.Huh.
Last few weekends my sis learned a new recipe, Shepherd's Pie. The only Shepherd i know is Derek Shepherd from Grey's Anatomy. I dont know that u can make a pie from a hottie *Drool drool*

Ok letak gambar lagi kasik lepas rindu sama itu Shepherd's Pie :D

My sis terpaksa buat banyak kali sbb budak tak puasa ni merengek2 cakap nak Shepherd Pie. Bising je kan tak puasa tapi nafsu gajah. Tak malu ke? Takkkkk pon :D
Ok ni tak igt puasa ke berapa punya kuih berbuka. Yg pasti time ni masih boleh puasa tapi demam2 manja.
Ok ni tak igt puasa ke berapa punya kuih berbuka. Yg pasti time ni masih boleh puasa tapi demam2 manja.

Oh did u know my brother is on a diet on bulan puasa? Totally diet ok. Nyampah. Huh. He dont touch nasi at all. If berbuka sama mmg tak makan nasik ok. Makan roti and lauk je and mak sometimes totally baby-ed him dgn buatkan roti bakarlah siap ada telor bagai. Mengada ok!! Gila kot tak makan nasi time berbuka. I will probably cry all day long or steal Mong's food if i cannot eat nasik :"( Well if its me lah.

Anak lah anak.
Oh harituh my another sistah balik rumah to settle all her stuffs for nikah nanti. U know orang Johor if nak nikah they have to go thru all this interview session. Bukan interview 'siapa nama bakal laki awak? 'berapa gaji sebulan?' 'nanti kawen nak berapa anak?' No no no mmg bukan interview yg mcm itu yer, that kind of interview will be asked by abah only.Hahaha.
Interview session ni they only asked about Islamic stuffs lah such as Doa qunut, doa iftitah, rukun nikah and etc. Tak tipulah weh mmg org Johor sume kene interview mcmni. So kak rai pun gelabah lah nak hafal betul2 sume doa2 ni and rukun2 sume ni. And i go teman her lah to Pejabat Kadi and i dont why i am the one who scared suddenly kan. Her soon to be husband takyah kene interview coz he's from Selangor. Like i said only Johorean.
Takot tak?
Interview session ni they only asked about Islamic stuffs lah such as Doa qunut, doa iftitah, rukun nikah and etc. Tak tipulah weh mmg org Johor sume kene interview mcmni. So kak rai pun gelabah lah nak hafal betul2 sume doa2 ni and rukun2 sume ni. And i go teman her lah to Pejabat Kadi and i dont why i am the one who scared suddenly kan. Her soon to be husband takyah kene interview coz he's from Selangor. Like i said only Johorean.

Tak ramai pun yg ada kat situ, adalah dalam 5 ke 6 org. Well ramai kot nak kawen akhir tahun nanti kan. Anndddd ada jugak org yg pergi menuntut cerai. Abah totally kepoh time ada sorang laki ni nak pegi amek sijil cerai. And i kepoh also. Why lah being kepoh on bulan puasa this anak beranak lah kan.

Ok ngantuk dan lapar :(
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