Yes yes i know i already missed 2 posts in here. Habis tuh nak wat camne :( Tenaga hari kedua habis diserap sepenuhnya oleh diorang ni:

Second day puasa tuh parents diorang takda and kak uda suro jaga budak 2org ni. Iskkk. I was totally fine nak jaga Zarif but Zara ni gerun siket. Sebab bila dia nanges dia akan menggelupur. Ye menggelupur ok kat lantai sbb nak mak dia. And Zara didnt like me at all coz all i ever do was tease her until she cried. So sempenan bulan ramadhan ni i am babysitter for a day.
Petang tuh around 4, me and my brother pegi amek this two dari taska and sekolah dia. Dan seperti yang dijangka Zara melopong je tgk Moksu dia yg amek dari taska. Erkkk this is a bad bad idea. Ok terpaksa lah buat suara chipmunk comel2 berbual dgn zara. This coneversation had been altered for a proper reading:
Moksu: Adikk, harinie moksu amik adikk tauuuuu. Ibu takdeee tauuu. Ibu dgn abah pegi hospital hantar tokbah. Tokbah sakit. Cian diaaaa. Banyak darahhh.
(totally exaggerate over here to get zara's attention)
Zara: Angguk angguk (ohkaaaayyyy)
(totally exaggerate over here to get zara's attention)
Zara: Angguk angguk (ohkaaaayyyy)
Apa yang paling ditakutkan adalah penjaga taska Zara might think kitorang ni penculik ke hape kan. Coz first my brother totally looks like some gangster thud from the hood and i looks evil stepmother? But all went well even tho penjaga taska tuh scan me head to toe. Cish -evil eye-
Then amik Zarif pulak and luckily tadika and taska dorg ni satu taman je. Everything was smooth and perfect tapi the cikgus-cikgus pulak give me a full stare. What's with people and their eyes?
Since parents diorang ni sampai BP pun lambat then obviously i have to jaga Zara till parents dorg balik. What?? This is sooooo not part of the deal. Hmph! Ok tgk gmbr lauk kejap.

2- Sup Sayur (feveret Zara gegila)
3- Sambal Udang (makan sambil pengsan! Isk ni pun dah telan2 air liur. Batalkah puasaku?)
4- Sup Ayam
5- Ikan kepala terbakar pilihan keluarga.
My parents pegi semayang terawih dgn my brother and bawak Zarif sekali and they left me alone with Zara. Hmmmmmmmm @_______@ So let's see what happened here
Moksu: Zara, zara duduk depan eh minum susu sambil tgk kartun. Moksu nak basuh pinggan ni.
Zara: Kape? (Kenape?) with sad eyes and sad voice.
Zara: Kape? (Kenape?) with sad eyes and sad voice.
Her face almost looks like this. I dont shit u.

'Now Zara, can Moksu change to Grey's Anatomy? Puhleaseeee....'
Sangat berjaya menjaga Zara :) She even trusts me to clean her after she poop -___"- So are we best friends now or what?
Kak uda: So yana bolehlah jaga Zara and Zarif lagi pasni kan?
Me: Now lemme check my schedule......
Kak uda: So yana bolehlah jaga Zara and Zarif lagi pasni kan?
Me: Now lemme check my schedule......
And malam tuh bangun sahur lambat sbb tido seperti roh ini hilang di awan nano. In other words i am tired like hell.
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