Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Diari Ramadhan Longgok Longgok

Hahaha apesal longgok longgok? Sbb dah lost track gambar2 ni sume puasa ke berapa. Tuhlah sape suro cuti puasa kan. Seronok makan tanpa pandang kiri kanan. Pastuh nanti nangis nak ganti :"( Oh btw i had this conversation wif my 2/3 year old niece:

Me: Eeeeeeeee Zara sedapnyeeee pudding nii. Sedapnyeeee!! Nanges nangessss (exaggerate lebih)

Zara: Nanges ke? (wif weird look into my eyes to see if i cry.hahaha)

Me: Nangeslahhh. Sedap ni. Nanges.

Zara: Kena nanges ke?

Me: Ok wateva.

I totally dont understand why u dont wanna cry over a delicious pudding. I would cry in a second.Huh.
Zara si nakal. Taking my pictures while I'm makeup-less.
*Now i should delete all those scary pics*

Last few weekends my sis learned a new recipe, Shepherd's Pie. The only Shepherd i know is Derek Shepherd from Grey's Anatomy. I dont know that u can make a pie from a hottie *Drool drool*

This is Derek Shepherd :)

This is Shepherd's Pie. No no no this fantastic delicious looking pie is not made by Derek Shepherd but by my sistah. Isk nak lagi :"(

Ok letak gambar lagi kasik lepas rindu sama itu Shepherd's Pie :D

Nanges :") Sedappppppp

I ate on daylight coz cannot puasa kan :) The beauty of being a woman. Hahaha

My sis terpaksa buat banyak kali sbb budak tak puasa ni merengek2 cakap nak Shepherd Pie. Bising je kan tak puasa tapi nafsu gajah. Tak malu ke? Takkkkk pon :D

Ok ni tak igt puasa ke berapa punya kuih berbuka. Yg pasti time ni masih boleh puasa tapi demam2 manja.

Ni apentah nama kuih ni tapi mmg bukan faveret lah. Faveret abah je ni. So namakan dia kuih habuk sbb mcm habuk debu2 kann.

Yg belakang rupa mcm donat tuh bukan donat tapi cucur berupa donat. How creative :D Yg depan tuh kuih bebola api. Hahaha mmg taktaulah kan nama dia apa. Faveret abah jugak.

Ni lauk-lauk. Sedaplah sayur campur itu. Mahu lagi. Sbb ada tauhu jepun :")

Oh did u know my brother is on a diet on bulan puasa? Totally diet ok. Nyampah. Huh. He dont touch nasi at all. If berbuka sama mmg tak makan nasik ok. Makan roti and lauk je and mak sometimes totally baby-ed him dgn buatkan roti bakarlah siap ada telor bagai. Mengada ok!! Gila kot tak makan nasi time berbuka. I will probably cry all day long or steal Mong's food if i cannot eat nasik :"( Well if its me lah.

See the roti on his plate. He only ate 2 slices of bread. See the bekas nasi on my plate. Hahaha :D

This is Mong. Tembam gila dah sekarang pastuh bulu gugur apesal ntah :"(
Anak lah anak.

Oh harituh my another sistah balik rumah to settle all her stuffs for nikah nanti. U know orang Johor if nak nikah they have to go thru all this interview session. Bukan interview 'siapa nama bakal laki awak? 'berapa gaji sebulan?' 'nanti kawen nak berapa anak?' No no no mmg bukan interview yg mcm itu yer, that kind of interview will be asked by abah only.Hahaha.

Interview session ni they only asked about Islamic stuffs lah such as Doa qunut, doa iftitah, rukun nikah and etc. Tak tipulah weh mmg org Johor sume kene interview mcmni. So kak rai pun gelabah lah nak hafal betul2 sume doa2 ni and rukun2 sume ni. And i go teman her lah to Pejabat Kadi and i dont why i am the one who scared suddenly kan. Her soon to be husband takyah kene interview coz he's from Selangor. Like i said only Johorean.

Takot tak?

Tak ramai pun yg ada kat situ, adalah dalam 5 ke 6 org. Well ramai kot nak kawen akhir tahun nanti kan. Anndddd ada jugak org yg pergi menuntut cerai. Abah totally kepoh time ada sorang laki ni nak pegi amek sijil cerai. And i kepoh also. Why lah being kepoh on bulan puasa this anak beranak lah kan.

So this is the questions yg ditanya time interview. So Johorean kalau nak kawen go lah hafal all this. I really thought my sistah would fail this interview. Lagi2lah part doa qunut tuh kan. Hahahah. Sekali lulus plak. Cepat gile plak tuh. Tak sampai 5min kot. Senang betol nak kawen. Hmmphhh

Ok ngantuk dan lapar :(

Friday, August 12, 2011

Diari Ramadhan 12

Sempena bulan ramadhan saya nak menyusun seploh jari memohon maaf kerana telah skip a few days of diari ramadhan. Bukan saja pura-pura malas but tetiba harituh demam berjangkit dengan jemaah terawih. Terus demam nanges-nanges tanak sahur ntah apa kaitan tanak sahur dengan nanges dengan demam. Mengada kan. And then lepas baik demam terus tetiba tak dapat puasa pulak. Hahahaha so cmne nak buat Diari Ramadhan tak gitu :D

Ok malam ni i will start my Diari Ramadhan back. Skg bz nak makan :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Diari Ramadhan 3

Hari Ketiga

Its my mak's birthday today :)

She already got her birthday present few days before. But still belum sempat blow cake lagi. My mom thinks since da dpt hadiah sume and dah settle lah kan but no no no my dad suggest we should get a cake. Now abah, we are toatally in a same boat :) So u remember my 1st post when we went to Secret Recipe on the 1st day of puasa. I tell u the Chinese customers EATING there seriously thought my father and i tak puasa. Scanning us from head to toe. Duhh.

We plan that after terawih we should cut the cake. Tapi sebelum tuh lemme tell u yg terawih di surau taman ni mmg super pantas. If u think that Bullet train is already super fast now think again. Imam surau kami mmg super ekspress, always sakit kaki after terawih :"( So later that night, they changed the imam, its not changed actually, they gilir2lah with another imam. Malam tadi punya imammmm pulakkkk was soooooo slowwwww. Omaigod i tell u very slow. Dont get me wrong okeh but dahlah saya semayang dengan makcik2 yg dah tua kan so pity them yg kene rukuk lame2 and diri lame2. If i come back malam tadi dgn sakit pinggang apetah lagi mereka yg sudah tua tuh kan? I swear to u that i want that bullet train imam back :"(

Then after terawih lari laju2 balik rumah. Kak uda and family already there and yell to me why so lambat coz Zara dah grumpy nak potong cake. Jadik cecepatlah amik cake and while mom masuk bilik letak telekung semua sempatlah letak kek kat depan. She totally surprised with the cake!! Mission berjaya :)

Abah cucuk cucuk kek. Sila lihat Zarif yg dah melekat kat meja.

Omg wan sangat nyampah ok. Pura-pura takleh nyala pulak kan. Padahal hari2 nyala rokok. Terus dpt tekanan dari Zarif and Mak.

Masih tak berjaya. Kan dah mak and cucu dah sentap. Wan totally tak KL Gangstaa langsung. Hmpph.

Finally berjaya jugak nyala lilin lepas tutup kipas. Well we forgot to switch off the fan. Haahaha. And its time for birthday song and blow the candles. We sang Happy Birthday 3 times!!! Well i just feel like singing that night *flips hair*

Now its normal in my family to have this 2 kids to blow the candles and cut the cake. Tak kirelah birthday sape pun. It MUST be them to do all of this kalau tak menggelupur atas tanah nanges sekor2.

*Kak Uda sorry i terpaksa censored u*

The cutting cake ceremony was held around 10.45pm.

Zarif mmg feeling ini adalah birthday dia. Zara dah menggelupur kat lantai.

So finally dapat jugak makan kek after that long terawih and the problem nyalakan lilin. Huhhhh...

Sila lihat Zarif lagi yg makan kek pakai tangan. I almost thought it was his birthday. Kak uda dah amuk2. Mak mmg sayang Zarif lebih.

The Cake

Happy Birthday To U.
You know i love u the most
I cant stand people who hurt u and i always wanted to hurt them back
But i know it will only hurts your heart more if u see me acting like that.
You sacrifice too much for me and i will never ever be able to repay everything back
I dont know how u managed to put up with my attitude coz yana sendiri tak tahan with my own self
Thats why i love u the most
Coz u never gave up on me :")

I love u *kesat hingus*

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Diari Ramadhan 2

Hari Kedua

Yes yes i know i already missed 2 posts in here. Habis tuh nak wat camne :( Tenaga hari kedua habis diserap sepenuhnya oleh diorang ni:

Zarif doing his homework. Zara eating banana. Definitely not a MONKEY! Kan kan kan.

Second day puasa tuh parents diorang takda and kak uda suro jaga budak 2org ni. Iskkk. I was totally fine nak jaga Zarif but Zara ni gerun siket. Sebab bila dia nanges dia akan menggelupur. Ye menggelupur ok kat lantai sbb nak mak dia. And Zara didnt like me at all coz all i ever do was tease her until she cried. So sempenan bulan ramadhan ni i am babysitter for a day.

Petang tuh around 4, me and my brother pegi amek this two dari taska and sekolah dia. Dan seperti yang dijangka Zara melopong je tgk Moksu dia yg amek dari taska. Erkkk this is a bad bad idea. Ok terpaksa lah buat suara chipmunk comel2 berbual dgn zara. This coneversation had been altered for a proper reading:

Moksu: Adikk, harinie moksu amik adikk tauuuuu. Ibu takdeee tauuu. Ibu dgn abah pegi hospital hantar tokbah. Tokbah sakit. Cian diaaaa. Banyak darahhh.
(totally exaggerate over here to get zara's attention)

Zara: Angguk angguk (ohkaaaayyyy)

Apa yang paling ditakutkan adalah penjaga taska Zara might think kitorang ni penculik ke hape kan. Coz first my brother totally looks like some gangster thud from the hood and i looks like...hmmm..an evil stepmother? But all went well even tho penjaga taska tuh scan me head to toe. Cish -evil eye-

Then amik Zarif pulak and luckily tadika and taska dorg ni satu taman je. Everything was smooth and perfect tapi the cikgus-cikgus pulak give me a full stare. What's with people and their eyes?

Zara is sitting on my lap. Totally a great progress between evil stepmother and little tods.

Since parents diorang ni sampai BP pun lambat then obviously i have to jaga Zara till parents dorg balik. What?? This is sooooo not part of the deal. Hmph! Ok tgk gmbr lauk kejap.

1- Bihun Singapura.
2- Sup Sayur (feveret Zara gegila)
3- Sambal Udang (makan sambil pengsan! Isk ni pun dah telan2 air liur. Batalkah puasaku?)

4- Sup Ayam
5- Ikan kepala terbakar pilihan keluarga.

My parents pegi semayang terawih dgn my brother and bawak Zarif sekali and they left me alone with Zara. Hmmmmmmmm @_______@ So let's see what happened here

Moksu: Zara, zara duduk depan eh minum susu sambil tgk kartun. Moksu nak basuh pinggan ni.

Zara: Kape? (Kenape?) with sad eyes and sad voice.

Her face almost looks like this. I dont shit u.

Now how can i resist?

So she end up in the kitchen looking like this:

'Adik baring sini minum susu, moksu basuh pinggan kat sane k.' (Totally ordering me around)

After a while we became best friends :D Almost had a sleep over. Hahahha

So what best friends do while waiting for atoks balik from terawih?

Watching National Geographic together -____- coz there are grizzly bears and she thought its a Pooh Bear. Hmmm

Totally bonding while watching National Geographic.
'Now Zara, can Moksu change to Grey's Anatomy? Puhleaseeee....

Sangat berjaya menjaga Zara :) She even trusts me to clean her after she poop -___"- So are we best friends now or what?

Kak uda: So yana bolehlah jaga Zara and Zarif lagi pasni kan?

Me: Now lemme check my schedule......

And malam tuh bangun sahur lambat sbb tido seperti roh ini hilang di awan nano. In other words i am tired like hell.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Diari Ramadhan 1

Hari Pertama

Everytime bulan puasa kat rumah mesti aku takkan tido lepas sahur sbb time tuh nak baca quran sume kan and then lepaskan mong dari sangkar bagi dia hirup udara segar and lompat2. Sekali bleh tetido plak smpi kol 11 lebih itupun setelah ayah aku kejut and baru terigt kitorang nak pegi tgk kek. Ye tgk kek ye pada hari pertama berpuasa!


Trust me when i said that Dad almost go crazy picking up a cake. He has a soft spot for cake. Haihh

I will let u know later on kenapa kitorang hari pertama puasa dah sibuk beli cake. Skg ni kasik korang cuci mata je dulu. Tgk kek takpe kot.

Balik rumah je my Dad bagi banyak pulak task utk my sis wedding. But its ok since i have lots of free time. Bak kata my fren ayed 'kau kena buat baik for a week wahai yana'. Now dont get me wrong, i am nice but i have this hidden agenda. Keh keh keh. Pahala puasa ku tak deduct kan?

Tghari tuh tgk keadaan Mong yg almost lemah spt org berpuasa. Let's go thru one by one okie?

1- Pura-pura lemah sbb tahan lapar
2- Semakin dekat dgn makanan tapi masih pura-pura puasa
3- Ambik bau duluuuuu.....
4- TAK PUASA!!!!!!!!!!!!

And bukan Mong sahaja yg tak puasa, ada lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mangsa kita......

Zara yg self admit tak puasa tapi bila tanya banyak2 kali tetibe bgtau dia puasa. Zarif yg pukul 11 dah bermastautin depan peti sejuk and curik biskut Zara. Fail hari pertama!!!!

Yang penting juadah hari ini buat diri ini bersyukur sangat cukup makan sepanjang tahun. Amin.
1- Karipap instant yg terlepas pandang ketika goreng terus hangus.
2- Murtabak instant yg terlebih minyak terus kene sound dgn mak -______-
3- Ikan yg kepala terbakar sbb terlupa tgh goreng ikan -_____-
4- Ini kak uda buat tapi terkering. Tapi sedaaaaaaap. Bak kata si Zarif

Yg tak bernombor semua mak yg masak. My fave mestilah sayur tuh. Nyam nyam tapi Zara habiskan sume broccoli.

So yeah mmg terang lagi bersuluh masih fail masak tanpa pengawasan ketat dari Mak.

Hari ni terawih saf depan. Bangga bangga. Pastuh berpeluh menggelupur sbb kipas kat saf belakang je ada. Now i understand kenapa sume org bukan men sibuk tolak aku ke depan saf. Demmit.

Selesai hari pertama puasa! Mission Accomplished!!

Tazkirah: Pada awal malam Ramadhan Allah swt mengampuni semua dosa yang tersembunyi dan yang terang-terangan, meninggikan beribu-ribu derajat, membangunkan untuk kalian lima puluh ribu kota di surga.