Its my mak's birthday today :)
She already got her birthday present few days before. But still belum sempat blow cake lagi. My mom thinks since da dpt hadiah sume and dah settle lah kan but no no no my dad suggest we should get a cake. Now abah, we are toatally in a same boat :) So u remember my 1st post when we went to Secret Recipe on the 1st day of puasa. I tell u the Chinese customers EATING there seriously thought my father and i tak puasa. Scanning us from head to toe. Duhh.
We plan that after terawih we should cut the cake. Tapi sebelum tuh lemme tell u yg terawih di surau taman ni mmg super pantas. If u think that Bullet train is already super fast now think again. Imam surau kami mmg super ekspress, always sakit kaki after terawih :"( So later that night, they changed the imam, its not changed actually, they gilir2lah with another imam. Malam tadi punya imammmm pulakkkk was soooooo slowwwww. Omaigod i tell u very slow. Dont get me wrong okeh but dahlah saya semayang dengan makcik2 yg dah tua kan so pity them yg kene rukuk lame2 and diri lame2. If i come back malam tadi dgn sakit pinggang apetah lagi mereka yg sudah tua tuh kan? I swear to u that i want that bullet train imam back :"(
Then after terawih lari laju2 balik rumah. Kak uda and family already there and yell to me why so lambat coz Zara dah grumpy nak potong cake. Jadik cecepatlah amik cake and while mom masuk bilik letak telekung semua sempatlah letak kek kat depan. She totally surprised with the cake!! Mission berjaya :)

Finally berjaya jugak nyala lilin lepas tutup kipas. Well we forgot to switch off the fan. Haahaha. And its time for birthday song and blow the candles. We sang Happy Birthday 3 times!!! Well i just feel like singing that night *flips hair*

*Kak Uda sorry i terpaksa censored u*
The cutting cake ceremony was held around 10.45pm.

So finally dapat jugak makan kek after that long terawih and the problem nyalakan lilin. Huhhhh...

Happy Birthday To U.
You know i love u the most
I cant stand people who hurt u and i always wanted to hurt them back
But i know it will only hurts your heart more if u see me acting like that.
You sacrifice too much for me and i will never ever be able to repay everything back
I dont know how u managed to put up with my attitude coz yana sendiri tak tahan with my own self
Thats why i love u the most
Coz u never gave up on me :")
I love u *kesat hingus*
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